School started May 18th for me and in just 4.5 weeks, I've completed the first 3 of my nursing classes! It's been a rollercoaster ride, but I've made it! And I'm feeling really good about where I am at in this program. We've completed our first clinical and I'm just excited to keep moving. 325 days till graduation...not that I'm keeping track! :)
A few things I've found out about this type of nursing program that are similar to new motherhood. 1) You get little to no sleep! Between having class for 8+ hrs a day and trying to read 2 gigantic-info packed books AND keeping up with assignments...let's just say my sleep has suffered a bit. 2) Just like a new mommy, they tell you "Take time for yourself." With this program, I've really had to work hard at that. No doubt in my mind that I am more sane today than I could've been, if I hadn't given myself some nights off to relax and spend with my boys. 3) As with motherhood, you decide how you parent your child...well in this program, you decide how much/little effort to put in. The faculty has said from day 1 they want us to succeed, but if you don't put the work in, you won't get the results you want. I think this time around I'm 10x a better student because I know what the end goal is. I'm excited for what nursing has in store for me.
My boys are hanging in there too. It's tough to not be around as much. Reid is so supportive and tells me all the time, "Do what you need to do and know that Jack and I are supporting you 100%." That's the best thing he could say...especially when I feel like I've abandoned them for the next 12 (now 11) months. Reid is staying busy at Cerner and enjoying it...I think. :) Jack is growing like a weed and just the funnest little kid. His current loves are: CARS, Kung Fu Panda, bubble baths, swimming, "shooting" bugs, and reading. His little imagination is running wild. His excitement about the little things in life really warms my heart.
We've got a busy couple of weekends coming up and are looking forward to the "FUN" we'll be having this summer, despite all the work. This weekend, we're travelling to Wichita. Reid and I have been asked to be godparents to sweet little Elle Madeleine Atchison (my cousin Jennifer's baby girl). She will be baptized on Sunday. We can't wait to meet her. Next weekend, we're going home to NE for the 4th. This will likely be the last time we go home until the holidays. I'm looking forward to sun, fun, fireworks, and family time!
Hope this finds you well and enjoying the summer, too.
Until next time...Here are some recent pics--
Jack's bubble beard:
Daddy and Jack playing with CARS:
Silly faces:
Loving summertime:
Jack's Cars ensemble is complete with Cars sunglasses:
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