Monday, December 14, 2009

I scream, you scream, we ALL scream for ice cream!

Tonight Reid, Jack and I went to a yummy Mexican restaurant for dinner.  Jack is always so well-behaved in restaurants, but tonight he was extra vocal!  He was 'oohing and aahing' at the top of his lungs.  We tried to occupy him with cereal puffs and he was STUFFING them one by one in his mouth.  When those were gone, we resorted to toys...didn't like those.  Instead we spent about 10 minutes playing "Look mommy I dropped the book on the ground" game.  I finally came to my senses and stopped that.  Then Reid and I ordered Fried Ice Cream and Jack could barely take watching us enjoy the sweet treat.  So, I decided what the about a little vanilla ice cream.  YUM-MY...he LOVED it!!  When we finished, he squealed for more.  He was SO mad I stopped feeding it to him.  We managed to get him bundled up and out the door without too much of a commotion.  I guess he inherited his mommy's love of this cold treat.  Don't mess with a me or my son when you take away our ice cream.  :)


  1. I hear ya!! :) Em loves the stuff, too. Guess that's what we get for eating TOO MUCH of it during pregnancy! :)

  2. We're in the ice cream fan club too! Zach talks about getting ice cream every time we pass Sonic... LOVE the blog - totally added you to my "follow" list. Can't wait to read/see more. Check us out at:
